Results for 'František A. Podhajský'

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  1.  42
    (1 other version)Lubomír Doležel, Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: The Postmodern Stage.František A. Podhajský - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):254-260.
    A review of Lubomír Doležel´s Possible Worlds of Fiction and History: The Postmodern Stage (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010, 171 pp. ISBN 978-0-8018-9463-3).
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    A new view of REA state machine.Frantisek Hunka & Jaroslav Zacek - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (1):25-39.
    The presented paper proposes a state machine of REA (Resource–Event–Agent) model. This model constitutes a fundamental building block for value modeling applications. Contrary to other appr...
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    Čo iné je Platónov Sókratés, než len Platón vpredu, Platón vzadu a v strede Chiméra?František Škvrnda - 2013 - Pro-Fil 13 (2):75.
    Táto štúdia ponúka stručné uvedenie do sokratovskej otázky, pričom sa v nej kladie dôraz predovšetkým na Platónovho Sókrata. Prvá časť príspevku sleduje vznik sókratovskej otázky v antike. V druhej časti sa pojednáva o vzostupe Platónovej autority v riešení tejto otázky. Nasledujúca časť podáva argumenty, prečo je Platónov portrét Sókrata z pohľadu historika filozofie neudržateľný a nedôveryhodný. Navrhované riešenia sókratovského problému spočívajú v zdržaní sa úsudku o historickej autentickosti Platónovho Sókrata.
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  4. Metóda, problém a úloha (Method, Problem and Task).František Gahér & Vladimir Marko - 2017 - Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského.
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    Revízia definícií pojmov dostatočná a nutná podmienka1.František Gahér - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (1):16-37.
    Analyzing the process of keeping promise we identify its sequence structure and its phase sequences in time. This allows us to arrive at a time order principle forming according to which obligation performance cannot precede in time its sufficient or necessary conditions performance. We further observe that a given promise must always be taken as an element of a certain system of promises. As a result we review definitions of the terms sufficient condition and necessary condition as no more allowing (...)
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  6. Realita a problémy spôsobu života.František Novosad - 1977 - Filozofia 32 (1):117.
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    Vývoj a interpretace pojmu pravděpodobnost.František Mošna - 2024 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 46 (1):61-87.
    Considerations related to randomness appear relatively late in European history, at the turn of the Middle Ages and the modern era. They initially concern to the chances of winning in various games or situations and later move on to introduce classical and geometric probabilities. From a mathematical point of view, the probability calculus is completed by Kolmogorov’s axiomatic theory. However, many open questions, problems and paradoxes remain in the way probability is perceived and interpreted. The four main directions in the (...)
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    Platónov sokrates a problematika antropologického obratu.František Škvrnda & Zuzana Zelinová - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (3).
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  9. Výtvarná teorie a kritika SK Neumanna v letech 1896–1918.František Šmejkal - 1980 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 17:97-120.
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  10. Sentience and Consciousness in Single Cells: How the First Minds Emerged in Unicellular Species.František Baluška & Arthur Reber - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (3):1800229.
    A reductionistic, bottom‐up, cellular‐based concept of the origins of sentience and consciousness has been put forward. Because all life is based on cells, any evolutionary theory of the emergence of sentience and consciousness must be grounded in mechanisms that take place in prokaryotes, the simplest unicellular species. It has been posited that subjective awareness is a fundamental property of cellular life. It emerges as an inherent feature of, and contemporaneously with, the very first life‐forms. All other varieties of mentation are (...)
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    Gottlob Frege-život a dielo.František Gahér - 2000 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 7 (1):13-28.
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    Sú pojmy dostatočná podmienka a nutná podmienka pre empirickú oblasť symetrické?František Gahér - 2011 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 18 (3):331-350.
    The expressions sufficient condition and necessary condition are frequently used in various areas in sciences as well as in everyday usage; therefore, they might be taken as expressing well defined notions which should not lead to any serious misunderstandings when used. According to the widely accepted definitions of both concepts, the concept of sufficient condition and that of necessary condition imply their symmetry : if one thing poses a sufficient condition to another thing, the latter is a necessary condition for (...)
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  13. Teorie a empirie: příspěvek k marxistickému pojetí metodologie vědeckého poznání.František Čížek - 1974 - Praha: Svoboda.
  14. On the interpretation of alienable vs. inalienable possession: A psycholinguistic investigation.Frantisek Lichtenberk, Jyotsna Vaid & Hsin-Chin Chen - 2011 - Cognitive Linguistics 22 (4):659-689.
    Oceanic languages typically make a grammatical contrast between expres- sions of alienable and inalienable possession. Moreover, further distinctions are made in the alienable category but not in the inalienable category. The present research tests the hypothesis that there is a good motivation for such a development in the former case. As English does not have a grammaticalized distinction between alienable and inalienable possession, it provides a good testing ground. Three studies were conducted. In Study 1, participants were asked to write (...)
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    Mocenská posedlost.František Koukolík - 2018 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova, nakladatelství Karolinum.
    Úspěšná kniha MUDr. Františka Koukolíka Mocenská posedlost se vrací na knižní trh v novém vydání, od základu přepracovaná a doplněná bohatou věcnou dokumentací. Fenomén moci od prvního vydání knihy (Karolinum 2011) zdá se posílil a více prorostl mnoha, prakticky všemi oblastmi života populace na planetě Zemi. Nové zpracování problému se opírá o čísla statistik, o interpretaci každodenních událostí ve světě, o výsledky anket a psychologických experimentů, nepomíjí ani autorovu doménu – neurovědu jako zdroj poznání nejniternějších lidských podnětů i úchylek. Metodou (...)
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    “A Crowd of Gorgons and Winged Horses”. A Critique of Socratic Philosophers in Athenaeus’ The Deipnosophists.František Škvrnda - 2023 - Pro-Fil 24 (1):34-46.
    The study analyses the critique of the Socratic philosophers in Athenaeus’ The Deipnosophists. The main goal of the study is to assess its overall quality, argumentative structure, historical relevance and interpretative plausibility. The first part of the study briefly outlines the main characteristics and features of the anti-philosophical literature in antiquity. The second part examines Athenaeus' argumentative methods and techniques of textual criticism. In the following parts of the study, we scrutinise Athenaeus‘s overall critical assessment of Socratic literature and compare (...)
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  17. Memory and Learning in Plants.Baluska Frantisek, Gagliano Monica & Guenther Witzany (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer.
    This book assembles recent research on memory and learning in plants. Organisms that share a capability to store information about experiences in the past have an actively generated background resource on which they can compare and evaluate coming experiences in order to react faster or even better. This is an essential tool for all adaptation purposes. Such memory/learning skills can be found from bacteria up to fungi, animals and plants, although until recently it had been mentioned only as capabilities of (...)
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    UAL is a Token, not a Type.Arthur S. Reber, František Baluška & William B. Miller - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):447-450.
    Our comment is based on a simple but, we believe, compelling principle. The proposed cognitive processes and functions that are components of Jablonka and Ginsburg’s Unlimited Associative Learning (UAL) are real and are fundamental elements in the varieties of consciousness, cognition, problem solving, and sentience in the species they identify. But, from our perspective, they didn’t function as the metaphoric biomolecular ship that brought consciousness into being. The UAL functions are, and should be viewed as, evolutionary steps that built upon (...)
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    Creative Class, Creative Economy, and the Wisdom Society as a Solution to their Controversy.František Murgaš - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (2):120-140.
    Creative Class, Creative Economy, and the Wisdom Society as a Solution to their Controversy The paper briefly introduces the notion of creativity, linking the concepts of creative class and the related creative economy that are considered by Florida and his followers as the driving force of the current social and economic development. The concept of creative economy and its quantification in form of the Creative Class Index 3T or the Euro-Creativity Index were submitted to strong critique.The critics overturn some key (...)
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    Sokrates a Télauges – Aischinova sokratika medzi platonizmom a kynizmom.František Škvrnda - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (1).
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    Aristippov situačný hedonizmus v kontexte sokratovskej a sicílskej tradície myslenia.František škvrnda - 2022 - Filozofia 77 (3):178-191.
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    Where minds begin: a commentary on Joseph LeDoux’s the deep history of ourselves.Arthur S. Reber & František Baluška - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):745-755.
    We are sympathic with LeDoux’s primary goal here ─ to get a solid scientific grip on what has been dubbed one of the most elusive, important questions in scientific discourse, to identify the underlying biomolecular processes that give rise to consciousness. However, we have issues with the way he goes about it and have tried to present them in a constructive manner. Our commentary is built around our theory of the origins of minds, dubbed the Cellular Basis of Consciousness (CBC), (...)
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    Internet, social sciences and humanities.František Stellner & Marek Vokoun - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (4):492-510.
    The paper deals with the state of the social sciences after the boom of internet services in the Czech Republic in the 1990s. The results of our survey, based on 512 responses from the economics and history departments of major Czech public universities, show that internet services are considered a quality factor for academic output; however, the issues of plagiarism, a lack of resource criticism, inadequacy of impact factor-based evaluations, poor academic training for the new generation of social scientists, the (...)
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  24.  13
    Definování areté v Platónově dialogu Menón.František Weis - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-15.
    Předložená práce je textově filosofickou analýzou první části Platónova dialogu Menón, přičemž se snaží předvést, jak v konkrétním literárním díle Platónově je obsažen střet mezi silou již skomírajícího světa tradice (s jejími hodnotami lidského života), a silou jedince, který hodnoty lidského života sám pro sebe vydobyl v kritické diskusi s tradicí. Všechny tři pokusy definovat co je vlastně areté, odhalují při pečlivém rozboru pouhé rétorické střetnutí Menóna se Sókratem jako příklad střetu dvou odlišných paradigmat a sil, uvedených výše.
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    Antičtí filosofové a život - mílétská přirovnání.František Felner & Josef Petrželka - 2023 - Studia Philosophica 70 (2):117-123.
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    Antičtí filosofové a život : povýšení Pýthagorás, Hérakleitos, Xenofanés.František Felner & Josef Petrželka - 2024 - Studia Philosophica 71 (1):81-87.
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  27. Antičtí filosofové a život : Parmenidés, Empedoklés, Démokritos a jejich současníci.František Felner & Josef Petrželka - 2024 - Studia Philosophica 71 (2):71-77.
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    Zich Otakar V.. Uvod do filosofie matematiky . Cesta k věděni, vol. 34. Jednota ceskoslovenských Matematikü a Fysikü1, Prague 1947, 172 pp. [REVIEW]Frantisek Wolf - 1948 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):216-217.
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    Conditions for minimal intelligence across eukaryota: a cognitive science perspective.Paco Calvo & František Baluška - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  30.  13
    Kontramožné kondicionály a neintuitívne úsudky.František Gahér - 2022 - Filozofia 77 (7):545-557.
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    Otvorená textúra pojmov a pravidiel – voda na mlyn pre subjektivizmus v aplikovanej sémantike?František Gahér, Micha Mrva, Martin Turčan & Marek Števček - 2020 - Filozofia 75 (4).
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    Naozaj Frege plagizoval stoikov?František Gahér - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (7):499-520.
    The similarity between logic and semantics of the Stoics and Frege has long been known, and it can be explained in various ways. In 2021, Susane Bobzien published a work in which she explains this similarity rather surprisingly: she hypothesizes that Frege generously helped himself with the foundations of Stoic logic as it was published in the first volume of History of Logic in the West by Carl Prantl. However, this hypothesis encounters various problems. The key point of the whole (...)
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    The architecture of polarized cell growth: The unique status of elongating plant cells.František Baluška, Przemysław Wojtaszek, Dieter Volkmann & Peter Barlow - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (6):569-576.
    Polarity is an inherent feature of almost all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. In most eukaryotic cells, growth polarity is due to the assembly of actin‐based growing domains at particular locations on the cell periphery. A contrasting scenario is that growth polarity results from the establishment of non‐growing domains, which are actively maintained at opposite end‐poles of the cell. This latter mode of growth is common in rod‐shaped bacteria and, surprisingly, also in the majority of plant cells, which elongate along the (...)
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    A Companion to Jan Hus.Ota Pavlicek & František Šmahel (eds.) - 2014 - Brill.
    _A Companion to Jan Hus_ offers in eleven substantial essays authored by specialized researchers from four countries an account of the life, work, thought and commemoration of Jan Hus († 1415), an important Czech theologian, reformer and martyr.
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    O definíciách a definovaní.Lukáš Bielik, František Gahér & Marián Zouhar - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (8).
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    Counterfactuals and Backtracking Counterfactuals.František Gahér - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (2):553-573.
    The paper proposes a solution to the problem of counterfactuals, building on both Rescher’s epistemic and Tichý’s semantic approaches. The core of the proposed solution is the thesis that when expressing a true counterfactual, the speaker assumes a set of background indicative premises as an implicit parameter. When added tacitly to an unreal antecedent, these premises entail the consequent logically or analytically. We draw a distinction between a potentially unreal and an absolutely unreal condition expressed in the antecedent. We view (...)
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    A Geographical Approach for Measuring the Creative Capital. Case Study: Creative Capital Index of Slovakia.Marta Ševčíková & František Murgaš - 2011 - Creative and Knowledge Society 1 (2):37-56.
    A Geographical Approach for Measuring the Creative Capital. Case Study: Creative Capital Index of Slovakia Calculation of creativity index is a part of a modern quantification wave, in some cases also formulation of the spatial differentiation of social and economic phenomena required from the academic sphere by the decisive sphere. Policy makers have interest by this means to help themselves in obtaining public for their objectives. The creative capital as a sum of quantifiable creativity indicators is in this contribution operationalized (...)
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    Modern computational models of semantic discovery in natural language.Jan Žižka & František Dařena (eds.) - 2015 - Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
    This book compiles and reviews the most prominent linguistic theories into a single source that serves as an essential reference for future solutions to one of the most important challenges of our age.
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    (1 other version)Biocommunication of Plants.Guenther Witzany & František Baluška (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
    Plants are sessile, highly sensitive organisms that actively compete for environmental resources both above and below the ground. They assess their surroundings, estimate how much energy they need for particular goals, and then realise the optimum variant. They take measures to control certain environmental resources. They perceive themselves and can distinguish between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’. They process and evaluate information and then modify their behaviour accordingly. These highly diverse competences are made possible by parallel sign(alling)-mediated communication processes within the plant (...)
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    Anthropomorphic Motifs in Ancient Greek Ideas on the Origin of the Cosmos.Zuzana Zelinová & František Škvrnda - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (2):172-183.
    In our article, we will focus on an analysis of the relationship between man and the cosmos, set against the backdrop of ancient Greek ideas about the origin of the world. On the one hand, we will deal with the images of the creation of the world provided in Greek mythology and the religious tradition associated with it (in particular Hesiod); on the other hand, we will approach the anthropomorphic elements within the framework of philosophical cosmogonies (Plato’s dialogue, the Timaeus). (...)
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  41. On Definitions and Defining.Lukas Bielik, Frantisek Gaher & Marian Zouhar - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (8):719-737.
    The paper deals with some logical, semantic and methodological aspects of defining and definitions. First of all, basic features of the background semantic theory are specified. Next, three different kinds of definitions are distinguished: codifying definitions, objectual analytic definitions and meaning analytic definitions. It is shown that the relationships between the definiendum and the definiens in a given definition differ with respect to these different kinds of definition. Furthermore, it is argued that definitions and defining are intrinsically connected with so (...)
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  42. Can subcellular organization be explained only by physical principles?Guenther Witzany & Frantisek Baluska - 2015 - Communicative and Integrative Biology 8 (4):e1009796.
    In a recent forum article, Dan Needleman and Jan Brugues argue that, despite the astonishing advances in cell biology, a fundamental understanding of even the most well-studied subcellular biological processes is lacking. This lack of understanding is evidenced by our inability to make precise predictions of subcellular and cellular behaviors. They suggest that to achieve such an under- standing, we need to apply a combination of quantitative experiments with new theoretical concepts and determine the physical principles of subcellular biological organization. (...)
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    A unifying new model of cytokinesis for the dividing plant and animal cells.Pankaj Dhonukshe, Jozef Šamaj, František Balušak & Jiri Friml - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (4):371-381.
    Cytolkinesis ensures proper partitioning of the nucleocytoplasmic contents into two daughter cells. It has generally been thought that cytokinesis is accomplished differently in animals and plants because of the differences in the preparatory phases, into the centrosomal or acentrosomal nature of the process, the presence or absence of rigid cell walls, and on the basis of 'outside-in' or 'inside-out' mechanism. However, this long-standing paradigm needs further reevaluation based on new findings. Recent advances reveal that plant cells, similarly to animal cells, (...)
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    A unifying new model of cytokinesis for the dividing plant and animal cells.Pankaj Dhonukshe, Jozef Šamaj, František Baluška & Jiří Friml - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (4):371-381.
    Cytokinesis ensures proper partitioning of the nucleocytoplasmic contents into two daughter cells. It has generally been thought that cytokinesis is accomplished differently in animals and plants because of the differences in the preparatory phases, into the centrosomal or acentrosomal nature of the process, the presence or absence of rigid cell walls, and on the basis of ‘outside‐in’ or ‘inside‐out’ mechanism. However, this long‐standing paradigm needs further reevaluation based on new findings. Recent advances reveal that plant cells, similarly to animal cells, (...)
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    Slime mould: The fundamental mechanisms of biological cognition.Oscar Castro, Jordi Vallverdú, Andrew Adamatzky, Audrey Dussutour, Michael Levin, Max Talanov, Richard Mayne, Frantisek Baluska, Yukio Gunji & Hector Zenil - 2018 - Biosystems 165:57-70.
    The slime mould Physarum polycephalum has been used in developing unconventional computing devices for in which the slime mould played a role of a sensing, actuating, and computing device. These devices treated the slime mould as an active living substrate, yet it is a self-consistent living creature which evolved over millions of years and occupied most parts of the world, but in any case, that living entity did not own true cognition, just automated biochemical mechanisms. To “rehabilitate” slime mould from (...)
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    The Effects of Virtual Height Exposure on Postural Control and Psychophysiological Stress Are Moderated by Individual Height Intolerance.Diana Bzdúšková, Martin Marko, Zuzana Hirjaková, Jana Kimijanová, František Hlavačka & Igor Riečanský - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Virtual reality enables individuals to be exposed to naturalistic environments in laboratory settings, offering new possibilities for research in human neuroscience and treatment of mental disorders. We used VR to study psychological, autonomic and postural reactions to heights in individuals with varying intensity of fear of heights. Study participants were immersed in a VR of an unprotected open-air elevator platform in an urban area, while standing on an unstable ground. Virtual elevation of the platform elicited robust and reliable psychophysiological activation (...)
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    HOPPER, PAUL J., and SANDRA A. THOMPSON. 1984. The discourse basis for lexical categories in universal grammar. Lg. 60.703-52. STEELE, SUSAN M. 1978. The category AUX as a language universal. Universals of human language, vol. by Joseph Greenberg, Charles Ferguson, and Edith Moravcsik, 7-45. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [REVIEW]Grammaticalization by Paul J. Hopper, Elizabeth Closs Traugott & Frantisek Lichtenberk - 1994 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press.
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    František Matouš Klácel a zdroje jeho utopických vizí.Lenka Lee - 2022 - Studia Philosophica 69 (1):23-40.
    Studie se zabývá utopickými úvahami brněnského augustiniána Františka Matouše Klácela (1808–1882), jejich zdroji a pokusy o uvedení do praxe a také možnými důvody, kvůli kterým své vize nedokázal realizovat tak, jak si předsevzal. Klácel v teoretických reflexích ideálního uspořádání lidské společnosti i při projektování návrhů utopických komunit (Svojanovů) čer­pal jednak z prací svých předchůdců, jež se snažili formulovat či uvést do praxe myšlenky sociální utopie (Saint-Simon, Fourier, Jednota bratrská, Komenský), z hlediska ontologického se ovšem opíral o svůj koncept vesměrnosti, jemuž (...)
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    František Wald's Empiricism.Jaap Van Brakel - 2013 - Hyle: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Chemistry 19 (2):161 - 183.
    In this paper I present an ordered selection of citations from František Wald's publications and correspondence to give some idea of how he fitted in his times, how his views were received by contemporaries, and to illustrate his epistemological views. I highlight the originality of Wald's aim to develop a theory of chemistry on the basis of the concept of 'phase', instead of the concepts of compound and element. In chemistry there has been a vast increase in substances that (...)
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    Anarchist Satire in Pre-World War I Paris: The Case of František Kupka.Patricia Leighten - 2017 - Substance 46 (2):50-70.
    The rich body of understudied imagery constituting the culture of satire in pre-World War I Paris represents the work of scores of contributing artists, ranging from mockery of manners to biting critique of government policy. While František Kupka is recognized as a major Parisian contributor to the development of modernism and abstraction, his career as a satirist has been sidelined. In 1900, Kupka wrote to his friend the Czech poet Josef S. Machar that he would devote himself in future (...)
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